If it wasn't a scam, explain why the term 'esources scam' comes up with 28,000 matches in google?
I stupidly, and against my better judgement, paid £97 for membership; only to find that half the 'wholesalers' charge high street prices, if not more. The other half you need to register with in a similar way as esources to look at what they have available, like Russian Dolls.
When i complained, and asked if i was missing something my username and password were revoked to the site so i could no longer access it.
None of my communications asking for my login to be reinstated have been replied to. So i paid £97 for nothing. That is a scam in my book.
I have 2 friends who work within the national press are looking for editiorial sign off to produce something in the near future to make the public aware of what they are doing.
I dont want anyone else to make the same mistake i have.
I am a recent victim of a pathetic website esources who bullied me and eaten up my money. I have been misguided and fraudulently made me spend £25.00 for premium membership. It seems much funny but much upset that if you contact a supplier and in response it says don't contact me again as they don't know any esources scam.. What was that?
My money was eaten up ** the staff and they never replied to my complaint. Please don't refer it neither use it for any purpose...
#This is a really cool website. Great job, the comments are really insightful.